He Whispers Your Name

I would like to share this devotion with you.  It is taken from "He Whispers Your Name" by Cherie Hill.

This one is written around Isaiah 41:10:

"Don't be afraid, for I am with you.  Don't be discouraged, for I am your God.  I will strengthen you and help you.  I will hold you up with My victorious right hand."

The Blessing of Pain

God now speaks to us -

"Pain serves a purpose. I use every obstacle you face to strengthen you so that you are better prepared for the challenges in life that lie ahead.  I know what I'm doing when it comes to your sanctification.

If I chose to remove all the challenges in your life, you would never grow in your faith--you'd never learn to truly trust Me in every way.  Through every difficulty I permit, I reveal something that needs to be strengthened or transformed in you.  Your weaknesses are never revealed when "all is well" and life is free from trouble.  Trials and tribulations show your true character and display the strength of your faith.

As you walk with Me, I orchestrate your life, the good and the bad, so that you will be strengthened in faith, lacking nothing.  I know that in your weakness you desperately want Me to make a way out instead of a way through, but my ways are higher and better.  I want you to be strong and stand firm in your faith when it is threatened by the enemy. So you will need plenty of practice to overcome fear and defeat the doubtKnow that I am with you and I will help you in every way.  I am your God."

I pray that this blesses you.

Shalom ❤🕆


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